“Life is full of iterations and I am no different. From course work in urban planning, history, and information management, to employment in libraries and archives, to new endeavors in instructional design and user experience (UX), there is always something new to learn and apply.”

Rosemary Pleva Flynn

Information Manager, UX Practitioner, Master Builder

Never at a loss for something to do, I work daily as a librarian, archivist, and records manager, before I move on to the many other activities that fill my days. My current studies in UX are not a surprise to my family and friends as I have always taken a strong interest in helping others. Connecting UX and information through formal and informal means just makes sense. You can learn more about me here.

Significant events during the last few years opened more fully a whole world of challenges for users that we as a society must begin truly addressing. I hope to continue trying to make the world a better place for all for many more years to come.

When I have a few extra minutes, I enjoy the creations of others (be it by reading, attending a show, or wandering the streets of a beloved city). I also make my own creations with a particular emphasis right now on costumes for one particular male dancer, my son.

Follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.


Photo: Rosemary Pleva Flynn